Product Marketing Checklist: 10 Steps to Better Messaging and Positioning

Boost your product marketing with our 10-step guide. Master the art of crafting effective messaging and positioning.

Boost your product marketing with our 10-step guide. Master the art of crafting effective messaging and positioning.

In today's competitive marketplace, crafting compelling messaging and positioning for your product is more critical than ever. It can differentiate your offering in a crowded market, appeal to your target audience's needs and preferences, and ultimately drive growth for your business.

This 10-step product marketing checklist provides a comprehensive guide to elevating your product messaging and positioning. From understanding your market to leveraging professional services like, each step offers actionable advice to help you raise the bar on your product marketing.

Remember, improving your messaging and positioning is an ongoing process, requiring constant refinement to stay aligned with market changes and customer needs. This checklist will serve as a roadmap to guide your efforts and ensure your product stands out in the market. Now, let's dive in to these ten steps.

1. Understand Your Market

Research and understand your target audience's demographics, needs, and pain points. Use this knowledge to create messaging and positioning that resonates with them.

2. Analyze Your Competitors

Investigate your competitors' offerings, messaging, and positioning. Identifying what makes your product different will help to define your unique selling proposition.

3. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Highlight the unique features and benefits of your product that set it apart from the competition. Your USP will serve as the foundation for your messaging and positioning.

4. Craft Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition should communicate the unique benefits your product offers to the customers. Ensure it aligns with your customer needs and sets your product apart in the market.

5. Develop Your Messaging Strategy

Create a cohesive brand narrative and messaging strategy that effectively communicates your product's value. This strategy should resonate with your target audience and inspire them to take action.

6. Tailor Your Messaging for Different Channels

Different marketing channels may require varying messaging styles. Ensure you customize your messages to suit the medium - whether it's your website, email campaigns, or social media posts.

7. Create a Positioning Statement

This statement should succinctly articulate how your product fits into the market and what makes it unique. It's a guidepost for all of your marketing efforts.

8. Ensure Consistency Across All Platforms

Ensure your product's messaging and positioning is consistent across all platforms and customer touchpoints. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and aids in customer recall.

9. Test and Refine

Continually test and refine your messaging and positioning based on customer feedback and market changes. Remember, effective product marketing is a dynamic process that should evolve with your audience and business.

10. Seek Expert Help

Consider using a service like to continuously improve your messaging and positioning. With a subscription to PMMTeam, you can get expert help to refine your messaging and positioning to help accelerate growth.


Remember, these steps aren't one-and-done tasks. Great Product Marketing is an ongoing process of refinement and adjustment as your product, audience, and market dynamics evolve. By continuously improving your messaging and positioning, you can ensure your product stands out in a crowded market and resonates with your target audience.